New Year, New You, right?
January 4, 2017Personal Branding with Jassen Allen
January 23, 2017Pet Photography & Giving Back
Pet photography has been my gateway to fulfilling a New Years resolution of giving back. Four years ago, I made the easy decision to volunteer with the local Labrador Retriever rescue. I’m a dog lover, have 2 Labs of our own, therefore, it seemed a great fit for me. While my ever supportive husband was on board for my volunteering my pet photography skills, what he didn’t know was I was actually looking to FOSTER labs. It made perfect sense: we both worked from home, have a large yard, our 2 Labs would help integrate a foster, and I’d get to play with a new dog every so often, and help find them a new home.
I filled out the volunteer paperwork, scheduled an interview with the head of the rescue, swiftly opened my hub’s office door, said “hey I signed us up to foster Labs, they’ll be over tomorrow to inspect the house” and bolted back down the hall. There was some discussion, head scratching, and a definite fear I’d become a ‘crazy dog lady’, not once did he say no. Our time with Las Vegas Labrador Rescue had begun!
Our very first foster, Sasha.
Sasha was adorable, sweet, playful and easy to foster. Most noteworthy, it was my HUSBAND who uttered the phrase “we should keep her”.

Why I photograph pets and foster:
As we begin 2020, we have now fostered and adopted out 57 Labs. In addition and more satisfying, I photograph incoming Labs to the rescue, and as a result, every click of the shutter has improved my skills with pet photography. Fostering and photographing Labs has allowed me to become an improved pet photographer! Every image I capture of a Lab for the rescue helps get that Lab adopted. It has allowed me to make connections with wonderful families, and photograph them as well.

If you’ve ever thought about donating your time, DO IT! Most of all, pick something you’re interested, pick something you’re good at, and go for it. As a result, you will never regret trying to put some good out into the world, because we need more good people.
Finally, just look at these faces. I had a (very) small part in these gorgeous creature finding homes for 2019.

For a greater look at puppy pics and more,
Want to schedule your Las Vegas Pet Portrait session? Contact me today!